So, At first I want to guide you that what is difference between these three web designing programs?
Let me to describe that with Examples:
1.HTMl: html is the language for building web pages and You use HTML to create the actual content of the page, this means in HTML you define the basic structure and the contents of a website..
the bellow pic shows the Example:
2.CSS: Css is a language for styling Web pages and CSS is responsible for the Design of the Webpage, how every thing looks, and where it is on the page.
it is the Example
3.JavaScript: JavaScript is a language for programming web pages and Javascript is responsible for everything that has to change or get animated after the website loaded, for example you can create a button that makes text disappear when you click on it, you can nearly do anything with javascript, you even can load more data from the server, that you want to appear on the webpage.
the picture its bellow displays the Function attribute in JavaScript:
I hope you to understand this article easily and if you have any kind of confusion, question , objection and suggestion you can ask via comment option..
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